Many of us have a list of things here in Australia that we prioritise over others but getting your skin checked out on a regular basis doesn’t seem to be one of them. People will take the time to go to see their medical practitioner who can draw blood to check for any health issues but for some reason, we don’t take the time to visit our dermatologist. We get quite a bit of sun here in Australia and so our skin is more vulnerable to the harmful effects of UV rays than in other colder countries. If you haven’t had your skin checked in some time then maybe this year is when you start to change that.
It might be the case that you have discovered some white sun spots and you may be curious as to why you are getting these on your skin. There are a number of different skin problems that Australians deal with every single year and although you might think that some of them are relatively harmless, there are others that may need immediate attention. You can’t keep relying on the Internet for your source of information when it comes to your skin health. You should make an appointment with your local dermatologist today for the following reasons.
- A mole begins to change shape & size – Many of us have moles on our skin that we had from a very young age or it might be that one has just appeared quite recently. Whatever the circumstances, it is important that you get your skin checked at least once a year so that any changes can be noted and taken into consideration. If your mole is getting somewhat itchy, it is starting to bleed or it is a little painful then it’s time to see your dermatologist. Just because you have dark skin, it doesn’t preclude you from suffering from certain skin cancers.
- Your acne treatment isn’t working – Most teenagers and adults also get acne throughout their lives and if you are buying things over the counter and they are just not working, then it may be time to schedule an appointment with your local dermatologist. They have a better idea of what actually is acne and what isn’t and so they will be able to diagnose it properly and provide you with a more effective treatment.
- You start losing your hair – This is something that frequently happens to men and even more so today to women. There might be a number of reasons for this including high stress levels but it is something that you need your local dermatologist to check out for you anyway. They will diagnose your condition and prescribe treatments for it to get you back on the road to recovery.
Even if you are not experiencing any of the above, it still makes perfect sense that you would get the skin on your body checked at least once a year or at least once in your lifetime.