Millions of individuals struggle with mental health issues. Many of these people go undiagnosed, as they don’t want others to know they are having problems. The National Alliance of Mental Illness reports that 20 percent of American adults have mental health concerns each year, which works out to over 42 million men and women. Five percent have a serious condition that interferes with one or more major life activities.
Americans must understand this crisis, as new clinical measures are needed to prevent mental illness. Interventions and devices may help those who have one of these concerns. What are the top mental health problems in the country today?
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Many people seek mental health treatment in Orange County for generalized anxiety disorder. This condition is characterized by ongoing excessive anxiety. The anxiety interferes with the person’s ability to complete everyday activities. Psychotherapy and medications are of great help to those suffering from this condition.
Opioid Dependence
People may begin taking opioids for a medical condition only to find they cannot stop when this condition improves. They have become addicted. Sadly, they may overdose on these drugs and lose their life, which is why help is needed to overcome their dependence.
Unspecified Anxiety Disorder
When a person has anxiety symptoms that don’t meet the criteria for established anxiety disorders, they may be diagnosed with an unspecified anxiety disorder. This condition interferes with the person’s daily life and must be treated. Psychotherapy and medication are commonly used to treat this common mental health concern.
Recurrent Major Depressive Disorder
Sadness is a part of life. When it becomes overwhelming, the person might be suffering from a major depressive disorder. For some individuals, this is an ongoing problem. The symptoms vary by age, so it is important to see a doctor. They can make the correct diagnosis and develop a treatment plan to overcome this depression and reduce the risk of it returning in the future.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
When a person experiences a frightening event or trauma, they may develop post-traumatic stress disorder. Countless people associate PTSD with veterans, but anyone who has been through a trauma may develop it. They could have flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety as a result of the incident.
Unspecified Depression
When a person has symptoms of depression, but they don’t meet the DSM-5 criteria for a specific depressive disorder, doctors refer to their condition as unspecified depression. They feel sad, helpless, or empty and struggle to get through the day. Fortunately, treatments are available even with the unspecified designation.
Nicotine Dependence
Nicotine is addictive. Many people find they cannot quit smoking due to this addiction. To overcome the addiction, the person must get past the withdrawal symptoms and address the psychological urges for the drug.
Single Major Depressive Disorder
A person might suffer one major depressive episode in their lifetime. Doctors differentiate this from recurrent major depressive disorder, although the two conditions are the same. It all revolves around the frequency of the episodes.
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Children and adults alike may struggle with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. They find it difficult to concentrate and often engage in impulse behavior. Medications help treat the symptoms of ADHD, so medical help should be sought.
Alcohol Dependence
Many people don’t view alcohol dependence as a mental health condition but it is. The person may drink heavily regularly or they may binge drink. If they are physically or psychologically dependent on alcohol, they fall into this category.
Mental health problems are common today. America needs to take notice and find ways to lower the prevalence of these disorders. Until steps are taken, the problem will only worsen, and society will suffer.