The marital ring is a tradition that has spanned millennia. The first wedding ring exchanged between a bride and groom in ancient Egypt was recorded over 3000 years ago. But unlike today’s typical metal bands, the first rings were made of hemp or reeds.
Over time, it became the norm to use precious metals to signify that someone was of value to another person, bonding the husband and wife together. But metal and gems aren’t as tempting in today’s eco-conscious world. Instead, using renewable natural resources in the form of wood rings is a trend that has been gaining traction quickly. And since it’s already popular in general, it’s also an ideal choice for anyone allergic to metal.
What are wooden wedding bands, and are they the right choice to show your mutual love for your spouse? Keep reading to find out the details.
Designing a Wooden Band
When you picture a wooden wedding ring, what do you see? The finished product depends on the wood type used and the artisan crafting it.
Wood bands are typically made from thick-grained oak, dark, durable chestnut, wavy-grained zebra wood, reddish lustered African Padauk wood, or rough but long-lasting Hawaiian Koa wood.
But, as we all know, wood alone isn’t made to withstand the tests of time. Instead, these bands are crafted with other materials, such as ceramic, titanium, and tungsten, to ensure they are scratch- and water-resistant and keep the finished look they have when sold.
Advantages of Wood Bands
In addition to being eco-friendly and, often, more affordable, wood bands have other advantages due to the materials they’re blended with.
Wood and ceramic rings are the go-to for those looking for budget-friendly options that are hard, scratch-resistant, and stylish. The only downside to ceramic rings is that once they’re made, they can’t be size-adjusted, and they may break if dropped from high levels or hit hard enough.
Titanium bands are also inexpensive. Although titanium is a metal, it’s hypoallergenic, which means you can wear it even if you’re allergic to most metals. It’s incredibly lightweight, which is always a plus for a ring, but doesn’t bend as easily as gold and silver. This factor is a downside because you can’t resize these rings.
An in-between option is a wood band mixed with tungsten. This affordable, high-quality finished look is scratch-resistant, long-lasting, and easy to design in various ways. Tungsten bands are ideal for people who do a lot of work with their hands, but these bands can’t be resized.
Are Wooden Bands For You?
When it comes to wedding bands, it’s important to have something that fits your style and personality, as you’ll be wearing it every day for the rest of your life. Wood bands can be made from various other materials, ensuring you’ll find at least one design that you love.
Since wooden bands are made from organic materials, most are vegan-friendly, although some do have animal- or insect-based products in them. You can find plant-based wood finishes that are strictly vegan-friendly.
Wood bands are hand-crafted using a talented artisan’s skills. If you’re interested in a one-of-a-kind or unique piece, shop for a wooden wedding band from someone who has excellent reviews and is willing to work with you to get the proper sizing and style. As long as you take care of your ring, it will last for decades.