Not every girl knows that she gets her first period at the age of 12-13, but it can happen even earlier. It is important to explain to your child the changes in her body and the menstrual cycle. Moreover, there are useful tips on the website, where you can find necessary information about periods.
What Should You Focus On During the Talk?
It is better to have the first conversation when the girl is older than 7 years old. The first thing you need to note is that menstruation is normal and natural. When your daughter first comes to you for pads, you will talk in more detail (you can take this opportunity and at the same time give a lecture on contraception).
Tell your child that periods start when the hormones change in a woman’s body. After menstruation begins, the girl’s body will change. You should also explain what your child has to do during the period:
- not to do physical exercises during them;
- to buy pads at the pharmacy or a certain department at the supermarket.
You may also buy informative books about periods and body changes for your daughter.
What happens to the body?
Menstrual bleeding occurs once a month, which means they are hormonally healthy.
Menstruation can last in different ways:
- 2-3 days (usual periods);
- more than a week (prolonged periods).
But it is important to note that in the first and second cases, there is nothing to worry about. It all depends on the body.
During periods, a healthy body loses from 72 to 125 milliliters of blood. Your daughter may think that she will die from blood loss, but just remind her that the bleeding could amount to 5-7 tablespoons.
Explain that the pads need to be changed for healthy hygiene, but not less than once every three hours. It is better not to swim in a pool, river, or sea and to actively engage in sports as well. Your daughter should understand that there is nothing to be ashamed of about periods or buying pads.
Pain in the lower belly is unpleasant, but it is also normal if it is not severe. When it’s bad, your child should take care of herself. If she has severe pain, you should consult a doctor. Even if there is no pathology and your daughter simply has a low pain threshold, this is not a reason to endure unpleasant sensations. The doctor will recommend medications to alleviate the condition.
Final Thoughts
Every girl should understand that the menstrual cycle is a physiological state of the woman’s body, and there is nothing to be afraid of. It is important to accept this as a fact and prepare competently to cope with periods of reducing specific activities and getting certain goods. Feel comfortable with Kotex!