Ashlee Simpson wore spring pastels mixed with contrasting black to celebrate Good Friday at Church Boutique in Los Angeles. The star wore soft green pants that she toned down with black shoes, a jacket, hat, shirt and a Bottega Veneta bag.
Ashlee Simpson looked stylish with her dapper husband Evan Ross when they attended Church Boutique’s Good Friday celebration.
The pop star, 38 – who recently posed with her mini-me daughter – donned mint green pants and a long black coat for the glitzy affair.
Evan, 34, was a handsome date for the evening as he sported dark green pants, chunky designer shoes, and a black blazer.
The pair were the most fashionable guests at the soiree, which was held in the West Hollywood boutique that sells everything from gemstones and crystals to African art and home furnishings.
Simpson wore her lustrous amber hair down in waves and crowned her head in a black ball cap.