We all spend a lot of time surfing the web, which usually consists of social media, checking the news and keeping up to date with your investments. Much like the real world, the web creates trends and if you would like to know where the hip people are going online, here are a few trends.
- Social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a hundred other platforms offer the freedom to express yourself creatively, plus you get to see what your friends are up to, as they post images and video. You can connect with old friends by searching Facebook; imagine hooking up with that kid you used to go fishing with? Or even to find out what happened to that shy girl who used to sit at the back of the class; all you need is a name and a district and Facebook will do the rest.
- Online casinos – Since the start of the pandemic, the number of online casino players has steadily grown; what’s not to like about playing a million-dollar jackpot slot? High speed Internet enables rich graphics and real-time interaction with sexy blackjack or poker dealers and there is always the chance of a big win! If you would like to learn more about online casinos, the web is full of free resources and when you are ready to play, Google can find you the best online casino and you can register as a player. It really is that easy.
- YouTube – This platform hosts the most digital content and it’s all for free! Owned by Google (who isn’t?), you can watch great documentaries, some old movies and let’s not forget the YouTube channels. Some of the top social media influencers started out as humble YouTubers and there is something for everyone on this platform. If you are tired on the constant ads, you can subscribe to ad-free content, which is only a few dollars per month.
- Podcasts – The top trending genre in 2023, people like to listen to podcasts when doing the housework or gardening; some drift off to sleep listening to Joe Rogan and an outrageous guest getting stoned and hammered. Others prefer to listen to physicists talking about quantum mechanics or listening to an Everest climber relive the experience on a podcast. There is something for everyone and Google can find all the best podcasts. Click here for info about Botox.
- Multiple player online gaming – Mega games like Warcraft and Call of Duty attract millions of players; you create an identity, choose an avatar and you are allowed into a virtual world. Be warned, this can be addictive and you may end up spending all your free time playing online games.
Trends come and go, but all of the above are here to stay, as we move into the Internet of Things and the Metaverse. If the web is not an integral part of your life, you are in the minority.