In her latest Instagram photo dump, the model showed off her sleek take on the little black dress, wearing an elegant backless suede piece by Ferragamo with long sleeves and a turtleneck. She accessorized only with a pair of chunky gold seashell earrings by Bottega Veneta, and her diamond engagement ring from husband Justin Bieber. The outfit was styled by Dani Michelle.
As for glam, Bieber had her bob tucked behind her ears, the ends blown out inward. She wore minimal rosy makeup and a glossy Rhode lip.
Rhode Skin, started in 2022 by Hailey Bieber, appears to have global domination in mind as the model is set to launch in Canada today.
The brand offers three main products: a Peptide Lip Treatment; Peptide Glazing Fluid; and Barrier Restore Cream which range in price from $24 to $44 each.