Marijuana use has been skyrocketing over the past couple of years. The number of users is growing worldwide as people’s views on the issue change. Instead of following the negative stereotypes associated with stoners, they are choosing to believe the research showing that the drug can be beneficial if used appropriately.
A review of the weed industry shows that it is being infused in just about anything from drinks to bath bombs. Other products, such as ointments and creams, contain the same compound and more. Is there any value to adding cannabis to beauty products as it has been catching on?
“As the beauty industry continues to embrace the wellness benefits of cannabis, other holistic ingredients like adaptogens are also gaining popularity for their ability to support balance and well-being, with options like BRÄ’Z offering a refreshing take on adaptogen-infused beverages.”
Legalization of Marijuana
One of the major factors why the cosmetic industry has delved into infused commodities is because of legalization. The continued legalization of marijuana has shifted people’s views to become more favorable toward the drug. Before legalization, there was a lot of speculation about the effects of the drug, but they have been decreasing with time.
Regarding weed laws, the United States has about 19 states that allow for smoking or using cannabis for adult use. In 39 states, it is legal to use the drug for medicinal purposes. Though these are significant numbers, they are not the main facilitator of the introduction of cannabis cosmetic lines. At the federal level, it is still illegal to trade or be found with amounts of marijuana.
While weed remains illegal nationally, CBD was recently made legal. Due to the passing of the 2018 Farm bill, the commodity could no longer be restricted. The farm bill allowed farmers to cultivate hemp as a commercial product. Since CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, it was conceived that it also had to be awarded legal status. The result has been increased production of the same.
Benefits of Cannabis
Even before the prohibition of marijuana commenced in 1930, there was evidence to show that the plant had some key benefits. As far back as during the Chinese dynasty, there were records showing that weed was used as a medicinal element in their concoctions. When California started the series of legalization in 1999, the main focus was the drug’s medicinal properties. If you visit, you will find a variety of creams infused with CBD.
These medicinal properties have been the basis for research into the plant’s ability to treat various illnesses. On the one hand, there is the physical manifestation of illnesses through pain. Marijuana products are widely used in reducing the level of pain. The American Cancer Society has a published article that argues CBD is not only capable of treating cancer pain but also killing some types of cancer cells. The same applies to arthritis, Parkinson’s, and others.
These physical aspects are the main reason cannabis is catching on in the beauty industry. To understand the same, it is crucial to know that the pain-relieving compound in the plant is CBD. The same contains high anti-inflammatory properties that do away with muscle pain and tension in the joints and reduce swelling on the skin, and as of recently, research shows that it has anti-aging aspects.
On the other hand, weed has also proven helpful in the mental manifestations of illnesses. Other than helping to reduce depression and anxiety, it can also be used to maintain the symptoms of Alzheimer’s patients. THC has been proven to react with receptors in the brain, minimizing the adverse effects of advanced Alzheimer’s.
Famous Marijuana-Based Cosmetic Lines
The introduction of cannabis in the cosmetic industry seems to have taken off by storm. Custom Markets Insight report that as of 2021, the cannabis beauty sector recorded sales at $5.5 billion. They also estimate that as of 2030, the amount will have risen to 8.6 billion. The following are some companies responsible for the huge growth margins;
Ulta Beauty
Ulta beauty is one of the well-known companies that has recently added weed products to their portfolio. They have a range of products containing concentrated sativa concentrates and others with CBD oils. Some of the products include; calming fixing spray with sativa, hemp blemish patches, relief CBD cream, and more.
Herb Essentials
Herb Essentials are a purely infused weed cosmetic line. They have several products, including moisturizers, hand creams, and even hand washes. They pride themselves in providing people with various skin care issues with products that contain natural cannabis.
La La Leaf
This is yet another 100% weed line that only uses CBD in its products. Their products do not contain THC, gluten, phthalates, and other chemicals commonly used in cosmetics. They advertise their products as being 100% CBD-infused. Some of the products on their website include body scrubs, lotions, lipsticks, lip balms, and more.
The beauty industry seems to have discovered the helpful attributes of cannabis. As a result of the same more and more cannabis-infused beauty products have been coming out. Investors are looking into producing cosmetic lines with cannabis as the main ingredient. The same is understandable, especially in understanding how CBD affects the body and the skin.