If you’re interested in saving money on jewelry, you may not know when the best time to make those big purchases is. Sticking to a budget and getting your hands on beautiful accessories is challenging, but is it feasible if you plan ahead? What are the best times to purchase new jewelry? And with a big sale just around the corner, is it possible there will be Black Friday jewelry deals? Will the Black Friday jewelry deals be worth it for your wallet?
If you want to learn more about the best times of year to shop for jewelry, you’re in the right place. We have a wealth of knowledge about jewelry, including what makes these gorgeous pieces a good deal for your wallet. So, if you want to learn more about making the most of your money, continue reading to learn about the best times of year to shop for jewelry.
1. Check Out Black Friday Jewelry Deals
With Black Friday quickly approaching, you might be wondering if the jewelry deals are worth it. In our opinion, those Black Friday jewelry deals coule be a great opportunity to fulfill your accessory desires. Jewelry dealers, especially those in online retail spaces, are highlylikely to follow the pack and introduce some significant sales to their customers.
While we can’t guarantee that every jeweler will hold sales, we can definitely concur that Black Friday is a great time to pick up a few new pieces that you might have been eyeing all year. Odds are, even if a jeweler doesn’t have many discounted pieces, you may find that some great deals are available. Some will offer extra gifts if you purchase a certain amount, and others will give you discounts on some of your future purchases. Don’t be afraid to start window shopping and explore your options!
2. Stock up During March, April, and Early May
We also recommend that you look for more jewelry pieces beginning in March. At this time, most jewelers are winding down from all the holiday sales, so they are more likely to significantly lower their prices. If you think about it, this move may make the most sense for jewelers because high demand for their products will be less likely during this time.
If you missed the Black Friday jewelry deals, it’s wise to start looking for deals come March. This month follows many of the major holidays like Christmas, New Year, and Valentine’s Day, so you’re likely to get away with setting a lower budget beginning in March until about early- May. If you’re set on spending as little as possible, this may be one of the best times of the year to purchase new pieces of jewelry.
3. Go Shopping in September and October
Beyond March, you may also have some luck finding great deals during September and October. Jewelers are most likely to move most of their stock from November to February, so during September and October, they’re stocking up and preparing to make big sales. However, they don’t expect to make big sales quite yet given the current economy, so many have yet to alter their prices in September and October.
It’s also not a bad idea to wait until after summer to start your Christmas shopping. We just recommend you start making purchases in September and October to avoid price surges that come quickly afterward. Once November has hit, you should wait until the following Black Friday jewelry deals spring up, or even until the following March, to save some serious cash.
When Is the Worst Time of Year to Buy Jewelry?
Now that we’ve broken down some of the best times to buy jewelry if you’re on a budget, you may want to know the worst times of the year. As you might have guessed, we recommend you avoid buying jewelry from November through February. While a few options—like Black Friday jewelry deals—may exist, it will likely be challenging to find good deals during this time of the year.
We know that the process of trying to stick to a budget while jewelry shopping can feel frustrating and cumbersome. However, if it’s around Black Friday, after February, or before November, you may have some luck finding good deals. If you need help, we hope you found our suggestions useful. Hopefully, you’ll be able to get your hands on some fantasitc jewelry pieces very soon without breaking the bank!