Social media isn’t just a good place to connect with one’s friends and share photos, it’s also a great place to make money. People who make money from social media are called influencers because they influence their followers into purchasing products from their sponsors.
However, before you can become an influencer on social media, you need a large following, and in order to get a large following, you need to stand out. The easiest way to get noticed is to post great pictures.
This post will give you a few photoshoot ideas you can use to get yourself noticed online.
Visiting Orchards
In spring and summer, apple and pear orchards can be fantastic places to visit, because you can take amazing photographs there. You can even start your own orchard by planting a fruit tree (or several) in your backyard. However, your trees won’t fruit for many years so for immediate photographs, head to an actual, established orchard. A good way to improve the pictures, even more, is to wear traditional Indian clothing, which is brightly colored and can accentuate the reds and the greens from the apples and pears. If you are not Indian, then wearing such clothing will intrigue people and attract attention.
Professional Portraits
Another way of getting a lot of attention online is to take professional portraits of yourself, which can be done as long as your camera has a self-timer (which allows you to set your camera up, and then take pictures of yourself). Most modern cameras do have these timers. Professionally shot portraits aren’t as common today as they used to be, which is why they are such a good idea.
Nature Images
Following on from visiting orchards, if it’s autumn or winter when you are planning on taking photographs, then you can still get outdoors. However, because during autumn and winter the leaves begin falling off of trees you should head out to more mountainous and rugged areas, to reflect the time of year, unless it’s early autumn and they are bright orange, in which case you can take some incredible photos in forests and woodland. Nature images can be a highly effective way of attracting interest to your page and showing off your photography skills. Make sure to feature yourself in your shots, too.
Daily Life
A lot of influencers just post photographs of their daily lives. However, professionally shot photos of daily life can actually look really cool, as long as they’re done right. The downside to such photos is that it is virtually impossible to shoot them yourself. You will need to have somebody shadowing you with a camera. If you have a friend or loved one who supports your dream of becoming an influencer, then you should ask them. However, make sure that the person who you ask to shoot pictures of you has experience in photography so that they can make each picture count.
Luxury Restaurants
Some influencers make a living by showcasing how luxurious and expensive their lives are. If you want to get sponsorships from fashion and lifestyle brands, then this kind of photography will benefit you more than anything else listed here. Taking photos in luxury restaurants can be a highly effective way of portraying an image of yourself as a very wealthy individual. The funny thing is, a lot of influencers don’t actually eat in the restaurants they take photographs in, they just have drinks and then leave. Some influencers even tag restaurants that they are not in, just to pretend that they eat in exclusive places.
Foreign Destinations
If you go on vacation a lot, then you should definitely post photographs of yourself when you are away. Posting pictures that show you on vacation make you look like a traveler and a globetrotter. This, again, can make you seem very wealthy and can help you to build up your personal brand. Building your personal brand is essential if you want to make it as an influencer. If you are going away, then bring lots of outfits with you. You can take lots of different photographs in different places (i.e., your hotel room, the beach, woodland, or a restaurant) and then post them online with different geographic locations, making yourself look like you have been to more places than you actually have.
Party Everyday
Following on from the last two points, posting pictures of yourself that make you look like every day is a party can further contribute to building your brand. Make sure that there isn’t a day that goes by on social media where you don’t post glamorous pictures. You can do this by getting dressed up at home, finding a good spot, and then asking a loved one to take pictures of you, or using your camera’s self-timer. Making yourself look like you party every day can make you seem very rich and like the kind of person most social media users want to be.
Recycling Photos
If you have any old pictures of yourself where you look good, then use them. Social media influencers recycle old pictures of themselves all the time. Sometimes, they even claim that these are new pictures (which is similar to tagging various locations and pretending that you are in places that you are not). As long as there is no dead giveaway that you are lying, like a digital clock with the date on in the background of a picture, you can recycle pictures as much as you want.
Outfit Styling
Another effective way of building a personal brand and taking good pictures is to style outfits. A lot of influencers advertise themselves as outfit stylers. All you need to do to do this is to dig through your wardrobe and try on as many outfits as you can, photographing the ones that look good. You can make your pictures look even better by taking them to orchards, restaurants, and in the other places listed here.
Taking professional photos can be a highly effective way of building your personal brand and becoming an influencer on social media. The more novel your photo ideas are, the more attention you will bring to yourself. For this reason, try to make every photoshoot unique, and add your own personal flair to each photo.