Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck married in Las Vegas on Saturday, 20 years after the couple was first engaged. The intimate nuptials took place at the Little White Wedding chapel around midnight in front of their 5 respective children . The wedding was confirmed through her newsletter, “On the JLo,” on July 17. After their first go-round calling off their engagement in 2003 and a romantic reunion 17 years later, the pair finally tied the knot in a small ceremony after obtaining a marriage license in Clark County, NV, on July 16.
“We did it. Love is beautiful. Love is kind. And it turns out love is patient. Twenty years patient,” wrote Lopez. “Exactly what we wanted. Last night we flew to Vegas, stood in line for a license with four other couples, all making the same journey to the wedding capital of the world.”
Lopez said the couple tied the knot in Vegas’s Little White Wedding Chapel with “the best witnesses you could ever imagine, a dress from an old movie and a jacket from Ben’s closet, we read our own vows in the little chapel and gave one another the rings we’ll wear for the rest of our lives.” Lopez called it “the best possible wedding we could have imagined. One we dreamed of long ago and one made real (in the eyes of the state, Las Vegas, a pink convertible and one another) at very, very long last.”