Halle Berry went to Instagram on Friday to share a series of photos with her boyfriend, musician Van Hunt. In flicks, Berry looks striking in a sheer, floor-length, fiery red dress by Sammy B while she poses barefoot alongside her boyfriend. Hunt also dressed up for the impromptu photo shoot, wearing an abstract printed overcoat with gray trousers, a maroon beret, and high-top Vans sneakers.
The gorgeous couple hold hands and beam at each other in the images. “This ain’t no lukewarm kinda love,” Berry wrote in the caption.
Hunt recently opened up to Entertainment Tonight about his relationship with Berry and how he’s been welcomed into her small family with her two children, Nala, 13, and Maceo, 7.
“Their family has this ritual where, and I don’t think she would mind me saying it, they get together and have just a small acknowledgement of the day and so they, you know, they immersed me into that and welcomed me into that and it was just beautiful,” Hunt told ET of how he celebrated his 51st birthday with Berry’s family. “It was just thoughtful and considerate and sweet and that’s really the kind of person that she is, so, it was beautiful.”
The musician added that Berry serves as his ultimate muse. “The inspiration for our relationship goes across everything, even in my parenting,” he said. “I’m a completely different person, I can say it like that, and I think that it’s improved every aspect of my life.”