Dua Lipa’ wore Attico for “Studio 2054” concert on Friday, and the glittery livestream event was watched by millions of fans across the globe. The virtual show garnered 5 million views (so far), including over 1.9 million unique log-ins from China, 95,000 from India and 263,264 tickets sold across the regular ticketing platforms. The livestream will continue to be available until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. on live-now.com, with tickets priced at $1o.
Better look at Dua Lipa’s custom-made The Attico dress for #Studio2054! (via lorenzoposocco) pic.twitter.com/m4TBG1C8um
— Dua Lipa News (Fan Account) (@dlipanews) November 29, 2020