Ciara shares her pregnancy experience during this pandemic , motherhood and marriage in the August issue of British Vogue. Lensed by husband Russell Wilson, the spread also features the couple’s children Future Zahir and Sienna. She shares how her faith and relationship with God and how she’s finding inner strength.
On her unique pregnancy experience: I always ask, ‘How do I make the best of this moment?’ That’s always been my attitude when you go through adversity… It’s why I keep getting pregnant! My body goes through this process where it shakes and I have to throw up. It’s a traumatic thing, but then I see the baby and forget all about it.
On how coronavirus affects hospital visits: I wanted to be really cautious… I had a little ziplock bag of gloves for the appointment and then I had my mask. When I went from one room to the other, I switched to a new pair of gloves. When the image of the baby came on the screen, I FaceTimed Russ in the car so that he could see. We women carry the baby, but for my husband, being in the room and listening to the heartbeat in real-time is one of his ways of connecting. For him not to be part of that was a symbol of this time that we’re living through.
The important role Russell Wilson is playing as a man in the life of their kids: The simplest things in a child’s life can have the biggest impact on who they become, and we take a lot of pride in that. Future has a chore checklist and has been sweeping up around the house. Russ is all about structure – for boys especially. The male presence is very important for both boys and girl. Your son gets to see how his dad treats a woman, and your daughter gets to see how you are loved. I’m a daddy’s girl, and my dad’s love is what saved me in situations in my life when I could have taken a left turn. I would think, ‘My dad wouldn’t love like this.’ I think about my dad’s love, and that’s how my husband loves me.
On life growing up as a child: We didn’t have a lot and I’ll never forget that. I know that my lifestyle now isn’t normal, so I go back in my mind to the experience that I had with my parents.
Photography: @DangeRussWilson
Style: @DenaGia